The Energy Governance Partnership
Through the programme, the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) cooperates with authorities in the USA, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, South Korea, Poland, and France. Together, the eight countries account for around 25% of the global CO2 emissions. Their successful green transition is therefore important for achieving the temperature goals of the Paris Agreement. On the Danish side the cooperations are facilitated by the DEA and the Royal Danish Embassies in the respective countries.
UK sector focus
District heating
The aim of the cooperation within district heating is to build partnerships in order to share valuable experiences and learn from each other. Denmark shares knowledge about the establishment and expansion of the district heating sector in Denmark. District heating solutions are well proven in Denmark, and we have many examples of what does and does not work. Sharing both challenges and solutions with partner countries contributes to the establishment of a foundation upon which our partner countries can develop a cost-efficient, green and energy secure district heating sector.
Energy efficiency in buildings
For energy efficiency in buildings, we exchange knowledge with our partner countries on e.g.: energy building codes, regulations, financing mechanisms, energy labelling of buildings, renovation of existing buildings, implementation of energy efficiency in public buildings, energy management, collection and use of energy data and digitalisation.
Specific examples
- 2017: Denmark and the UK started the energy cooperation focusing on district heating
- 2019: Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Scotland.
- 2019: An energy counsellor was posted to and local energy experts employed at the Danish Embassy in London.
- 2020: The cooperation was expanded to also include energy efficiency in buildings
- 2020: Establishment of a mentoring programme on heat networks between Danish and UK municipalities
- 2021: A (new) MoU signed with Scotland
- 2021: Substantial input provided to the Heat Networks (Scotland) Act 2021
- 2022: A Danish district heating expert was seconded to Department for Energy Security & Net Zero (DESNZ) in London
- 2023: MoU signed between Denmark and the UK.
Kieran Sinclair
Principal Energy Policy Adviser