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Possibility of reopening cases concerning proof of retaining Danish citizenship based on a judgment from the European Court of Justice

Based on a judgment handed down by the European Court of Justice on 5 September 2023 in case C-689/21, the Ministry of Immigration and Integration has assessed that it must take into consideration a number of additional elements when processing all applications for proof of retention of Danish citizenship in order to carry out an individual consideration of the consequences in relation to EU-law of the loss of a Danish citizenship and, as a result, the loss of Union citizenship – irrespective of the time when the application was submitted.

This assessment was previously only carried out in cases when the application was submitted before the age of 22.

In all future cases when the loss of Danish citizenship at the age of 22 also means a loss of EU citizenship, the Ministry of Immigration and Integration will carry out an assessment whether the effects of the loss of EU citizenship under EU law are proportional to the purpose of the loss of citizenship, (i.e. the consideration whether there is a real affiliation between Danish citizens and Denmark).

The Ministry of Immigration and Integration further assesses that there is a need to amend Section 8 of the Danish Nationality Act so that the wording and explanatory notes of this section are consistent with EU law.

Please refer to the Minister for Immigration and Integration's briefing to the Danish Parliament (Folketinget) on the judgment and its legal effects here (in Danish).

Possibility of reopening a case

The judgment has legal effects from the time of enforcement, 1 November 1993, of the interpreted rule, TFEU article 20.

Former Danish citizens can request the Ministry to reassess their application if they turned 22 on or after 1 November 1993, and if after turning 22 they have applied to retain Danish citizenship, and if they have received a decision from the Danish Ministry of Immigration and Integration on loss of citizenship, and in turn loss of their Union citizenship. It will be a prerequisite for reassessment that the loss of citizenship had effects under EU law. This will generally be the case if the applicant has had a family or employment affiliation with another EU member state than Denmark before the age of 22.

When processing reopened cases, the Ministry of Immigration and Integration emphasizes the actual circumstances, including affiliation aspects up to the applicant's 22nd birthday. This means that affiliation with Denmark and other EU countries after the age of 22 will not be included in the assessment of the applicant’s retention of Danish citizenship.

Read the judgment from the European Court of Justice of 5 September 2023 in case C-689/21 here (in Danish).


Now it has become easier to get a MitID if you are Dane and live abroad or if you are a foreigner and have a connection to Denmark.

In June 2022, a new function in the MitID app made it possible to create a MitID directly in the MitID app if you had a valid Danish, Greenlandic or Faroese passport. The function has been updated so you can also use foreign passports or ID cards with a chip to create MitID directly in the app.

Read more about getting a MitID:

Consequently, it should be easier to create a MitID if you live abroad, need a MitID, but do not have a valid Danish passport.

All you will need is a valid passport/ID card and access to a phone that can scan the chip: an iPhone 7 or above or a newer Android phone.

Read more about passport/ID card requirements:

You will continue to be able to use NemID for all public self-service solutions until NemID finally closes on 30 June 2023.


Health and Life sciences AMR Symposium postscript report

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is one of the greatest international health challenges of our time. It occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites change over time and gradually stop responding to developed medicine. The challenge of AMR is enhanced by the use of drugs meaning that the more we use these antimicrobial drugs, the less effective they become. This threatens and hinders our ability to treat infections and thus increases the risk of disease spread, illness and death.


In October 2022, the Health and Life Sciences team co-hosted a Symposium on AMR with the Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Danish Health Authority. With over 130 international participants and 19 expert speakers, the Symposium facilitated knowledge-sharing and a discussion on the challenge of AMR in an aim to identify actionable practices to solve the challenge from a One Health perspective.


The Symposium brought a number of insightful perspectives on AMR to the table in uncovering the human, environmental, societal, regulatory, veterinarian and economic side of health. These insights have now been gathered in our postscript report “Current Status on AMR from a One Health Perspective”. The report underlines a strong need for action and experts recommend continuous development of preventive measures, joint policy development and implementation targets, expanded research collaboration, and stewardship practices. It is crucial to improve clinical and diagnostic measures to inform treatment while market stimulation is needed to incentivise investments and AMR diplomacy.


The recommendations from the Symposium are as follows and can be explored further in the postscript report:

  • Policy: Promote political value and ROI from One Health investments in AMR – both human, animal, environment and broader societal determinants

  • Stewardship: Advocate for appropriate treatments through reliable diagnostics, surveillance systems and implementation of infection prevention and control

  • National Action Plans: Ensure that countries have National Action Plans on AMR with adequate funding

  • Program implementation: Facilitate adaptation and adoption of AMR interventions in different country contexts by using Implementation Research

  • Antibiotics: Ensure incentives to stimulate R&D, introduce public-private partnerships in the use of data sharing and clinical modelling, and to keep new and existing antibiotics on the market

  • Payment Models: Explore innovative payment and subscription models leveraging real world data and high degree of digitalization in society for relevant reimbursement models

Download the report here