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Former Diplomatic Representatives and Ambassadors

Here, you will find an overview of all Danish diplomatic representatives and ambassadors to the United Kingdom throughout time. Since 1401, Denmark has had diplomatic connections with the United Kingdom with only a few shorter exceptions.

Former Danish Ambassadors to the UK

References·:Marquard, Emil (1952): DanskeGesandter og Gesandtskabspersonale indtil 1914. Published by Rigsarkivet. Copenhagen. In commission at Ejnar MunksgaardsForlag.                Stampe, T. R.: Fortegnelseover det kongelige Udenlandske Departements og Udenrigsministeriets Chefer,Directeurer, og Secretarier, siden førstnævntes Adskillelse fra det KongeligTydske Cancellie, Aar 1771,- samt over de hos fremmede Magter, de frieRigsstæder, Hansestæderne, og ved forskjellige Kongresser accrediteredeKongelige diplomatiske Agenter og deres Secretairer fra Aar 1699 indtil 1835& seqv.  Forwarded by the Ministryof Foreign Affairs of Denmark's archive.      Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark: The Embassyin London's Collection of Ambassadors and Diplomatic Representatives(photographs and years).