Reacquisition of Danish Nationality
As of 1 July 2021, former Danish citizens who have lost their Danish nationality pursuant to Section 7, i.e. by acquiring a foreign nationality, will again be able to reacquire Danish nationality by making a declaration to the Ministry of Immigration and Integration provided they fulfil certain requirements. The declaration must be made between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2026. It is irrelevant when the applicants actively or expressly acquired the nationality of another country as long as it was before 1 September 2015.
Where and how to apply
The declaration (in Danish only) may be sent directly to the Ministry of Immigration and Integration or be lodged through a Danish diplomatic or consular mission abroad.
The fee must be paid directly to the Ministry of Immigration and Integration following the guidelines on their website (via web-application or bank transfer). The declaration form with its supporting documents and copy of the payment transfer should be sent to the Ministry of Immigration and Integration at the following address:
Slotsholmsgade 10, DK-1216 Copenhagen K, DENMARK.
You can, however, also submit the application through the Embassy/Danish speaking Consulate/Vice-Consulate, but the following fees would apply (in addition to the application charge paid direct to the Ministry):
£32.00 for the Embassy/Consulate/Vice-Consulate to submit the application and forward the Certificate of Nationality to the applicant at the conclusion of the application. The application will not be checked. If you choose this method, further charges may apply, for example if further correspondence with the Ministry for Aliens and Integration is necessary:
£128.00 per hour or part thereof for the Embassy/Consulate/Vice-Consulate undertake the whole application and any correspondence with the Ministry for Aliens and Integration.
If the requirements for reacquisition by declaration are fulfilled, the Ministry of Immigration and Integration will issue a Certificate of Nationality for the citizen. Thereafter the citizen may apply for a Danish passport. Please check the requirements under How to apply for a Danish Passport on our website.
Information about the possibility to reacquire Danish nationality as well as the declaration form is available in Danish only on the website of the Ministry of Immigration and Integration. Applicants can also contact the Ministry of Immigration and Integration directly on tel. +45 6198 6400. An English version is not expected to be made available.