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OCT 1943 - The Escape of the Danish Jews

The Holocaust is a crime against humanity, never to be repeated or forgotten - recollection and reflection are shared responsibilities and crucial methods to prevent history from repeating itself.


Due to the 80th commemoration of the rescue of Danish Jews, the author Therkel Stræde, the Danish Jewish Museum, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have, in collaboration, published the booklet ‘OCT – The Escape of the Danish Jews’. The booklet aims to convey the multi-faceted story of the Jewish escape and the fundamental values that were manifested in Denmark at that time - humanity, solidarity, compassion and civic courage.

Through this informative resource, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the timeline of the German occupation in Denmark, the historical context of Denmark in the 1930s, as well as information about Jews in Denmark before, during and after World War II. The booklet also covers historical events leading up to the rescue and memoirs from Jews from the rescue itself.

Click here to download the booklet.
