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The Ambassador

H. E. René Dinesen, an experienced diplomat with a strong background in the area of international relations, is the Danish Ambassador to the United Kingdom.





Welcome to our website!

Here you will find information about what is the embassy's most important task: To strengthen relations between Denmark and the UK. Regardless of whether you are a Danish citizen, who needs help while you are in the UK, a British citizen who wants to know more about Denmark, or you for example want to make use of the embassy’s expertise to grow your company by investing in Denmark, we are here for you. 

That also applies when it comes to strengthening the ties between Denmark and the UK in politics, culture or other areas: We are your embassy, and we are here to promote strong, mutual cooperation between our two countries and to foster a fruitful dialogue between Danes and Brits. We have an extensive network and can draw upon a large number of stakeholders, which gives us special opportunities to assist and advise in many different contexts.

If you want to know more about us, feel free to contact us and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn, and if you want to know more about me, you can find my CV and bio here.

Best regards,

René Dinesen


former danish diplomatic representatives and ambassadors to the United kingdom

Since 1401, Denmark has had diplomatic connections with the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England. Click on the link below to see a full list of all former diplomatic representatives and ambassadors.

Link to list.


Embassy of Denmark
55 Sloane Street
London SW1X 9SR
Tel: 00 44 (0)20 7333 0200
Fax: 00 44 (0)20 7333 0270
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr René Dinesen

Ambassador’s Executive Assistant
+44 (0)20 7333 0202
[email protected]