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The Trade Council in the uk and ireland

Sustainable Living, Design & Fashion

Are you a sustainable design brand wanting to export to the UK? At the Trade Council in London, we have a lot of experience for companies looking to export across the creative sectors. See all our programs, opportunities and events. 

The trade council in the uk and ireland 

Denmark's sustainable edge within design, furniture, and fashion is an export opportunity in the UK market.


Denmark is a world-famous design nation that experiences a strong demand and experiences across design. An industry that has generated exports worth 75 billion DKK annually – and it continues to grow.

One of the main pillars of Danish design is sustainability. As sustainability becomes an unavoidable part of everything, sustainable living is more important than ever, and Denmark is a pioneer in this area.

Take Copenhagen Fashion Week, for instance – one of the biggest fashion events in Northern Europe. An event that strives to make substantial changes to encourage the industry to accelerate sustainability. In 2020 they started a sustainability action plan that ensures that every brand meets the sustainable requirements.This is just one example of how Denmark takes sustainable design to the next level.

Good design, solid quality, and prospering cooperation are all virtues that characterise Danish design. Virtues that go well with the circular transition that other countries – including the UK – want to be a part of. Many Danish brands are already taking necessary steps towards a more sustainable way of designing.


Are you one of those brands? And do you dream of taking your sustainable design across the UK and Ireland.

At the Trade Council in London, we help fashion, furniture, and design brands export their designs to the UK.We have a unique focus on circularity and sustainability, finding your company's export potential is our main purpose. Through advice and tailored programmes, we will make sure that your sustainable design can penetrate the UK market.

Get your brand known across the North Sea – with help from the Trade Council

Not sure where to start? Exporting products to a new country can be challenging. That is why we share our knowledge, experience, innovative thoughts and export programs with you so that we can export your design to the UK and create tomorrow's design together. We guide you on the right path with the following:

This means we can help you with everything from market analyses and the search for new partners or distributors to establishing activities in new markets. We help you create a go-to-market strategy that fits both your business and the UK market.

Most importantly, we help with all of the challenges that come with exporting to the UK and ensure you know everything you need to know.

Our advisers include specialists in key Danish export areas such as green technology. Therefore, our expertise in circularity and sustainability is included in all of this, which means that we can also guide you through your questions about that matter.

We give you the best chances of setting up a successful export operation in the UK market through advice and a customised export plan.

Let us help you with the next step

Get noticed at the next big design event

One of the most important things when it comes to exporting to new markets is to get noticed. To create awareness of your brand and get your foot in the door.

Let us facilitate your brand awareness. By organising events and collaborating with major fashion and design fairs in London, we facilitate participation and give your brand a place to shine.

Additionally, we collaborate with Danish companies like yours to participate in these events by exhibiting your products, participating in panel debates, delivering speeches, or making other presentations. Last but not least, you will get benefits, such as discounts, great location, set-up, etc. All to create awareness of your brand in the UK.


Some of our popular fashion and design events are:

  • Clerkenwell Design Week 
    Clerkenwell Design Week is the UK's leading design festival. It is home to more creative businesses and architects per square mile than anywhere else, making it one of the most important design hubs. Here, we will curate a stand under the name ‘Designing for Circularity by Denmark’ where a selected group of Danish designers showcase their designs. Read more about our event here


  • The Livable City Conference 
    The Liveable City is a city conference about creating the best liveable cities. It provides the latest insight into how Denmark and the UK can inspire each other to create better cities in master planning, architecture, and green buildings.


Scoop is the UK's premium fashion and lifestyle event showcasing contemporary fashion brands within women's, menswear, and accessories. Here, we are hosting a joint Danish pavilion with SMEdenmark. Scoop offers a unique experience of some of the most exceptional brands on the market.


Want to get noticed and participate in one of the design events?
Just contact us and let us help you further.